Frequently asked questions in rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty (Nose job) is the remodeling of the outer appearance of the nose by surgical methods. In surgery, the target is a natural and comfortable breathing nose suitable for the gender and face shape of the person. In a significant part of the cases, septoplasty (correction of the curvature of the middle wall of the nose) and turbinate reduction are also required.
In rhinoplasty, it is important that the person has completed his/her physical development. This is usually 16 years old for women and 17 years old for men. However, surgery can be planned earlier in traumatic noses. In this case, answer to the question "Can people under the age of 18 be undergone a rhinoplasty operation?" could be "yes".
Rhinoplasty surgery is included in the specialty of both Plastic Surgery and Otorhinolaryngology departments. Your preference should be the doctor that you can establish a mutual communication with and trust.
Smoking and alcohol use should be stopped before the surgery as it disrupts wound healing and increases the risk of anesthesia (narcosis). Blood thinners such as aspirin should be stopped 1 week before the surgery. Some foods have blood thinning properties. Black grapes, cherries, cranberries, curcuma, fruits containing vitamin C, olive oil, garlic, paprika, chamomile, echinacea and clove teas have blood thinning effects.
Simulation programs can be used on the computer to evaluate the patient's wishes together and to show what can be done. What should be known here is that the image created on the computer may not fully reflect the nose appearance after the surgery.
Nose surgeries are performed under general anesthesia (completely anesthetized). Only minor interventions can be performed with the support of sedative drugs given intravenously under the control of the anesthesiologist.
Open and closed nose surgeries are two separate approach techniques. While there is an incision in the skin between the nostrils in open nose surgery, there is no incision in closed surgery. The transactions other than that are the same.
The duration of rhinoplasty surgeries varies between 2 and 4 hours on average. This duration may be prolonged in trauma-related malformations and dysfunctions.
In the first 24 hours after rhinoplasty surgery, there is usually mild to moderate pain that responds well to painkillers.
Rhinoplasty surgery can be performed without hospitalization depending on the patient's request. In this case, a period of 3-4 hours should be waited before discharge in order for the anesthesia effects to go away after surgery.
Rhinoplasty is not a surgery that requires care. However, due to the effects of anesthesia, it is appropriate for a person to help the patient's special needs after the surgery.
In rhinoplasty surgery, the nasal skin is removed and surgical procedures are performed on the bone and soft tissue. For this reason, swelling and bruising occur at varying rates depending on the individual after surgery. Factors that determine the amount of swelling are the thickness of the skin, incisions made to bone structures, and the duration of the surgery. Nose and face swelling/bruising increases in the first 24-36 hours and gradually decreases within 7-10 days. Regular application of ice to the face on the first 2 days, lying with high pillow are measures that can be taken to prevent swelling.
While tampons were used after all nasal surgeries in previous years, today, tampon application varies depending on the doctor's preference. The purpose of the tampon is to prevent the blood accumulation under the membrane layer, which we call the mucosa covering the cartilage and bone in the middle wall of the nose, and then complications such as inflammation and perforation in the middle wall. However, this is also achieved with sutures placed in the septum (intranasal middle wall) and tampon application is not necessary. If a tampon is to be used, there are two types of tampon. It absorbs the spongiform blood, fills the nose nearly total, and put a good pressure. However, it should be removed every 2-3 days due to the risk of infection, and its removal is slightly painful. The more preferred silicone tampons do not absorb blood, put a good pressure, leave space in the nose for breathing and are not painful to remove.
The aim of the splint placed on the nasal dorsum is to prevent the blood accumulation under the skin and to support the adhesion of the skin to the underlying bone and soft tissue. Oedema in the nasal dorsum decreases significantly in 7 days and the splint loosens. Therefore, the splint is removed on 6-8th days.
Most of the sutures used in rhinoplasty surgeries are dissolvable sutures and do not need to be taken out. If the sutures on the nose tip and wings are selected from the dissolvable type, they are taken out after 7-10 days. It is not a painful procedure.
After the nose surgery, there are small blood clots and scabs in front of the nose. On the first day after surgery and on the day the splint is taken out, the scabs outside the nose are cleaned. If a tampon is placed in the nose, the nose is cleaned by the doctor immediately after the tampon is taken out and cream is applied. Then, the patient starts to wash the nose and apply cream as described by his/her doctor. Medical dressings are not painful.
On the first day after the nose surgery, the patient should lie on their back with a head thirty degrees upright position. Immediately after the patient is taken to the room, ice application should be started on the face. Ice should be applied for 15-20 minutes per hour. Cold application has no effect after 48 hours. Antibiotic use is generally preferred for 5-7 days after surgery. It is normal to have pain in the first days and responds to painkillers. On the first day of surgery, juicy foods and soup should be preferred, and foods that require chewing should be avoided. It should be kept in mind that alcohol and smoking will have negative effects on recovery and increase the risk of complications in the post-surgical period. Nasal dorsum skin remains closed for a long time due to binding, and there are changes due to this. In addition, as it separates from the tissues under the skin during the surgery, sebum (fat) pores on the skin expand and sebum production increases. After the bandage is opened, the skin should be cleaned with moisturizing solution and creams until it looks normal. Skin care on oily skin should be done for a long time. Do not lie face down for three weeks after the surgery, do not carry heavy loads for a month, do not do heavy physical exercises. Light walks can be started after the tenth day. Five to seven days after the nose surgery, air travel can be done in consultation with the doctor. All kinds of glasses should not be used for eight or twelve weeks, and the corrective lenses should be preferred.
Massaging as recommended by the doctor to reduce oedema after nasal surgery has a positive effect on healing. Massage is used to regulate lymph flow. It can only have an effect on changing the shape of the nose with the maneuvers described by the doctor after the surgery for the curved nose. Light finger pressure on the nose back and gentle stroking of the nasal bones from the top to the sides are the main massages recommended.
On the first day, it is important to rest in bed due to the risk of fatigue and bleeding due to the effects of anesthesia. From the second day, daily movements can be started at home. After the splint on the nose is taken out, normal social life and desk work can be started. Breathing in the nose is fully relaxed, oedema in the nose is apparently reduced and bone incision, if any, is knitted within 3 weeks. Millimetric changes in the outer appearance of the nose continue between 6 months and 1 year depending on the thickness of the skin.
Fallen nose tip refers to the farthest tip of nose to be lower than the nasal dorsum. In most rhinoplasty surgeries, the nose tip is removed by lowering the nasal arch. During the surgery, the skeletal structure that provides the nasal tip support deteriorates, and if it is not supported by cartilage structures and sutures, the skin begins to fall as the oedema decreases and begins to descend with the load on the nose tip.
During laughing, contractions occur in our lips and face muscles. Since some of these muscles are connected to the tip and edges of the nose, excessive use of facial expressions and laughter may lead to pain and bleeding until the swelling goes down. However, it does not have a negative effect on nose healing.
Some of the upper lip muscles adhere to the nasal floor at the front. Especially in people with a short upper lip distance, the lip may lift after nose surgery. In order to prevent this, lip muscles are freed by peeling off the nasal floor during nose surgery.
In rhinoplasty, the goal is to obtain natural, smooth and breathing noses. However, the targeted result sometimes may not be achieved even if it is performed by an experienced doctor. In that case, a second (revision) surgery is required. Reasons of the most common revision requests are related to insufficient removal of the nasal bridge, falling of the nose tip and breathing problems. Revision procedures may be in the form of local anesthesia and minor corrections in outpatient/office conditions, as well as requiring the sampling cartilage from the ear or ribs in operating room conditions. It is not appropriate to intervene 3 months before the surgery for breathing problems and 6 months to 1 year before the surgery for the corrections of the outer appearance of the nose.